Archive for ranty rant rant

Bikes, better-friends and bullshit.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on December 2, 2007 by kahlerisms

So, I’m feeling somewhat angsty and may even delete this later- but hey what are blogs for if not for venting?

I’m becoming increasingly aware of a ‘too-busy’ mentality within my little social circle.

Perhaps I need a different social circle.

I’m increasingly finding I’m neglected from invitations to events – often apparently ostracised for my choice in transport of all things – hey, atleast it’s a decent excuse.

Others have commitments like wives and (increasingly) kids and stuff – some just don’t like sitting around a barbie eating good meat, drinking beer and listening to Gold.

My position was even been usurped in the world of RPGs last year – and it wasn’t as if I didn’t try to be involved. I played frequently, ran a teamspeak server, bought and hosted domain names – yet I felt I was still the N00b.

Bah. I’m an only child and thoroughly enjoy my own company. I Enjoy my blogging and my gaming and my downloading and tv-epsidode watching and guitar hero and so on – but the apathy is perhaps what I’m becoming more sensitive to.

I am alone. I am utterly alone *

(Couldn’t really finish without an 80s movie reference, could I?)